
Have you decided to follow Jesus?

God is so full of love, grace, and mercy. So He sent His son, Jesus Christ, to earth as a man. Jesus lived in perfect obedience to god's law and died on the cross to take on the punishment for sin in order to heal the effects of sin in us and in the world.

Three days after He was crucified and buried, Jesus rose from the dead --showing that, for those who believe in Him, death has indeed been defeated, the penalty for sin has been paid, and the power of sin over us has been broken. Through Jesus’ death and resurrection, God is making all things new -- reversing the effects of sin in the world.

Now, Jesus calls us to trust in Him alone (this is called faith) and to turn from our sin (this is called repentance). If we do so, we are forgiven for our sin, we are adopted into God’s family as His dearly-loved children, and we will live with God forever.


You have just made a choice that will change the trajectory of your family's life. Pastor Nate Barbour has some encouragement for you as you walk in this new life.